Galilean Bible Camp is a not-for-profit organization that relies on generous donors to operate. You can be a vital part of this ministry by sending a donation. Supporters have enabled us to keep the books balanced in spite of exorbitant increases in operating costs (insurance, heating, maintenance repairs and replacements, water upgrades), especially now in these uncertain economic times. Galilean has traditionally kept the camp fees low with minimal increases, but they only cover about half the cost of a week at camp.
All missionaries of One Hope Canada are faith-supported, trusting that God will provide their monthly needs. If you feel led to help with personal support, please contact One Hope Canada for more information.
One Hope Canada
3-212 Henderson Hwy, Box 323
Winnipeg MB R2L 1L8
Phone: 204-667-8207 or 1-888-960-2580
Fax: 204-663-0246
Donate Online
Follow this link to make a donation online Donors who give monetary gifts will receive a tax-deductible receipt for income tax purposes, mailed out at year-end.
U.S. Donors
In order to receive a tax-deductible receipt, please send your donation, noted 'for Galilean' to:
One Hope International, PO Box 1223, Sault Ste. Marie, MI 49783
US Online Donations Click the "Donate Now" button to find a special link to allow you to make a donation in US funds.
For more informations about how to donate to our ministry please feel free to contact our office by calling (705) 356-7961 or emailing GBCoffice@onehopecanada.ca.